
Stadiums and locations

Tamme stadium

The historic main sports venue in Tartu.

Group games take place on artificial grass part. Every age group finals are played at the main venue.

Address: Tamme pst 1, 50403 Tartu.


Photo credit: Kristjan Teedema (Tartu Postimees), Tartusport.ee


Location on map
Tamme staadion (Foto: Kristjan Teedema / Tartu Postimees)
Tamme staadion (Tartu Sport)

Holm park

The newest football stadium in the most representative location in Tartu – right next to Estonian National Museum.

Address: Muuseumi tee 7, Tartu



Location on map

Annelinna stadium

The artificial grass stadium that is equipped with the newest generation FIFA 2 star artificial turf. Location on Google Maps.

Address: Annemõisa 7, 51013 Tartu


Photo credit: Maksim Mitrofanov (Mitrofanov.ee)

Location on map

Põllu stadium

Address: Põllu 11, Tartu, 50303


Location on map

Puškin stadium

Natural grass stadium.

Address: Pikk 84, 50606 Tartu


Location on map

Tournament centre

Located in Holm Park.

Address: Muuseumi tee 7, Tartu


Location on map

Reiniku stadium

Artificial grass stadium.

Photo credit: Maksim Mitrofanov (Mitrofanov.ee)

Location on map